"3 AM" child is an Obama supporter
Child in Sen. Hillary Clinton’s “3am Phone Ad” supports Sen. Barack Obama.

Photo taken from Clinton “Children” Ad
Casey Knowles, a High School Senior in Washington state, recently discovered she was one of the sleeping children in Clinton’s controversial “Children” ad appearing prior to the Texas primaries.
Knowles, a supporter of Barack Obama was shocked that she had contributed to the national security message of a candidate that she passionately opposes.
When asked by The New Argument, this is what Knowles had to say about her appearance in Clinton’s ad:
“While I love Hillary, I would much rather hear Barack Obama’s voice at the other end of the phone at 3am. Its hilarious and ironic that the child in Hillary’s ad is now of voting age and not her supporter. I’ve been campaigning for Barack since October and was a caucus precinct captain. I’ve been a very avid advocate of his and recruited a lot of folks to caucus for him in January. He’s inspired and mobilized so many already, he’s refreshing and quite simply the best option for people who want to change this country.”
King 5 News interviewed Casey Knowles and her family at their home after The New Argument broke this story.
Labels: campaign ads, irony
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