Souder disrespects Burmese community

The following is excerpted from the June 15th edition of the Fort Wayne Journal Gazette:
"The program will include performances from a Burmese national singer, an African dance group and students from IPFW’s music department. U.S. Rep. Mark Souder, R-3rd, and Fort Wayne City Councilman Thomas Hayhurst, D-4th, will also be present. Souder is seeking re-election against Hayhurst."
This was well-publicized in the local Burmese community, and the Burmese people were excited to meet and hear from both men. However, according to a reliable source who was in attendance today, Mr.Souder cancelled at the very last minute via e-mail no less.
Tom Hayhurst kept his word and was there. He gave a short but supportive speech of the struggle for democracy in Burma as well as showing his respect for Aung San Suu Kyi, the Nobel Peace Prize winner and heroine of Burmese democracy. He met with many Burmese, talked with them and demonstrated his appreciation and concern for their cause.
There are 3,000 Burmese in the Fort Wayne area, the largest number in the U.S. and a growing number of them are now citizens of this country. I am sure Mark Souder had a reason he could not attend, but Tom Hayhurst did attend, honored their culture and stayed to learn more.
I attended this event last year as well as other events the Burmese community in Fort Wayne have sponsored. Mr. Souder missed a wonderful opportunity to meet with a group of people whose achievements have been recognized at the state level. He needs to try harder to demonstrate he represents all people. Dr. Tom Hayhurst has, by this and other efforts has demonstrated the willingness to reach out to all.
What a jerk Souder is.
I was surprised at the # of Burmese in FT. Waynes.
As a member of AI I wrote a letter to the Myamar Govt. pleading for her release a couple of years ago.
Many others of course have done the same.
Later she was released to Home Detention. Just recently she was in the hospital.
Imagine if we had the hard earned respect of SEA countries, and what we could do in concert with them to address the Brutal Regime there......
Oh yeah, I forgot. We have our own Brutal Regime to overthrow 1st. Maybe gaining our own self respect in the process. Everybody knows mutual respect starts with self respect.
My heart goes out to the Burmese.
This part of Indiana needs someone to represent all of us. This Souder guy doesn't do it. We need someone else and Dr. Tom seems to be the best choice in a long, long time. When a candidate only cares about his (or her) religious group, the rest of us must protest. When a political person supports only the wealthy, then we must protest. The best way I know how to protest is to vote the bas$ds out.
What is it with these wonderful Burmese. I work with some of them and they are awesome people. Many of them are here because if they were at home they would be killed. Mr. Souder must realize that as a Christian, he should support these people. Where was he?
You did well to honor Aung San Suu Kyi. The Burmese in Fort Wayne are helping build our community. Thank you for letting us know who really supports these wonderful people.
Wow, John. Excellent piece on Aung San Suu Kyi. Being married to a Burmese woman, I can attest to how beautiful these people truly are. I travelled to Burma two years ago and absolutely fell in love with the country. It is without a doubt the best vacation I have ever taken. What a culture. I've read Aung San Suu Kyi's "Freedom from Fear" and I am just starting in on "The Voice of Hope". What an amazing woman. It's an absolute disgrace what the military has done to that country, and yet the people there are so resilient.
Nice work, John.
Thank you all! And I especially thank my "source" on this one. You know who you are, and I hope you also noted that none of this was mentioned in today's JG follow-up story. If not for your diligence, the rest of us would be in the dark on this. AWESOME job!
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