Can you hear me NOW?

Can YOU hear this ringtone?
Students are using a new ring tone to receive messages in class. . .and many teachers can't even hear the ring.
Some students are downloading a ring tone off the Internet that is too high-pitched to be heard by most adults. With it, high schoolers can receive text message alerts on their cell phones, often used to pass test answers, without the teacher knowing.
As people age, many develop what's known as aging ear , a loss of the ability to hear higher-frequency sounds.
The ring tone is a spin-off of technology that was originally meant to repel teenagers , not help them. A Welsh security company developed the tone to help shopkeepers disperse young people loitering in front of their stores while leaving adults unaffected. The company called their product the "Mosquito."
Donna Lewis, a teacher in Manhattan, says her colleague played the ring for a classroom of first-graders and all of them could hear it, while the adults couldn't hear anything.
That is a really irritating noise. If some kid had his ringtone set to that f'n thing, I'd stuff his phone up his ass. Why exactly are kids carrying cell phones to school anyway? Fawk, we weren't allowed to do anything as distracting as gum-chewing in school...much less fsck around with time-consuming (and now, even MORE irritating) electronic gadgetry.
All I could hear was a very light and high-pitched whine. I can see why they call it "The Mosquito".
I barely had the speakers up at all and the tone literally drowned out the white noise of the three cooling fans in my computer. Fscking obnoxious. I say confiscate the phones...
I didn't hear the tone right away. I had to turn up the volume pretty high to hear it. Ok - I'm getting old!
I think that the teachers should confiscate any item that does not belong in the classroom and given back at the end of class; even if it isn't being used, but is visible.
After years of blaring rock music..I can't hear squat..
I didn't hear a damn thing. I think all the hip-hop gangsta-banger bullshit rappers should be reguired to record at that frequency.
That's actually an interesting idea. .since it's generally young people who listen to rap, it would only affect them as they age and they gain better taste. lol
I heard it. Wish I thought of it too. People who are thinking about becoming teachers should take care of their ears so they can hear it.
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