Thanks, Ann Coulter

Thanks, Annie! Keep up the good work.
Every time you open your mouth you put another Republican out of business. You are the poster child, the personification, the pure essence of Republicanism.
Orrin Hatch, after the defeat of the Gay Hatred Amendment today, asked Ted Kennedy if he thought that 49% of the American public were bigots.Ted can't say yes, but I can.
That's why we need more Ann Coulter on national TV. Please let her open her mouth and spew hatred and dishonesty. I welcome it. The more she talks the more quickly the demise of the Republican party.
For all of Rush and O'Reilly's lies and distortions, even they don't go as far as she does.
Her Today appearance might be the last straw, but maybe not. What else could she say after making fun of widows. WIDOWS! And 9/11 widows besides.
That's like something a political humorist would write as the next logical but ridiculous statement she might say. What's left?
She comes out against victims of child rape, telling them to stop whining.
She says Adolph Eichmann was only following orders, telling Jews to stop kvetching.
She says Martin Luther King asked for it.
See what I mean? I can see her saying those things.
Big Annie is a national treasure. She has helped define Republicans as cruel bigots, haters whose evil is unsurpassed in American life. It's not something I made up. It's something she brays and sprays every time she opens her mouth.
Keep talking, girl.
On one hand, such hate is so repulsive, like a KKK march. What upsets me is the MSM talking heads(like Mr. Lou Dobbs last night grrrrrrrrrrrrrr!) talk with her as if she has a point to make other than hating people who differ with her.
Rep. Rahm Emmanuel (DEM Chicago Ill.) agrees with you. He wants to know which Republicans are standing at the altar with her.
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