Driving Test

The startling results come one year after GMAC Insurance first set out to gauge the knowledge of the American driving public, when licensed drivers were administered 20 questions found on a typical DMV written drivers test. The 2006 findings indicate drivers still do not have adequate knowledge of basic rules of the road, and they exhibit bad habits behind the wheel. For the second year in a row, Oregon drivers ranked highest on the test, with an average score of 91 percent (70 percent or higher is required to pass a standard drivers test), and Rhode Island ranked lowest, with an average score of 75 percent.
I got all of them right; how will YOU do?Take the test for yourself HERE.
I got 95% right and couldn't find out which one I missed. Now I'm afraid to drive because that one could get me killed on the highway.
Rog - For a small gratuity for said service, I will happily point out your small, yet potentially life-changing, error.
Speaking of, we passed by the site of the Taylor U. tragedy on our way home on Saturday. Along with the crosses and flowers, you could still see the semi's tracks across the grassy median. It was rather chilling. A minute's delay or a slight increase in speed that night and. . .
Sort of puts things into perspective. . .
Same deal... I couldn't find the one I missed. I don't think it was missed. (Actually, I missed the first question too but for some reason I thought "off the pavement" meant in the grass off the shoulder which was not what I wanted, and for the right hand lane I was thinking that the shoulder was a "lane" which it isn't...
This test is culturally biased against people who look at the shoulder as possibly being a lane... (Amish buggies on schwartz road)
2 wrong - 1 and 14. One has too unclear answers. 14 I sure should of got. We have a lot of farm vehicles around this are, and yes that's what they have on the back. I'm just so used to seeing them....
I know, I know excuses excuses...
I remember my first written test. It was in California. It was such an easy test compared to the one in Maryland.
I remember one question on the Ca. test in particular -
When an emergency vehicle is approaching from behind, with siren and lights on do you
A)Pull over safely as far to the right as possible to let it pass?
B)Speed up to clear traffic
C)Immediatly come to a full stop
Still busts me up. Every question was that simple. Except one. And that was the wrong I kinda got wrong. Ya see I had a private instructor hired by my Mom. I did not go to school much, and if one was under 18 one had to take a course.I was 15 1/2 and eligible for a learners permit If I passed the written test.
Anyway the one question that I did not know(and was not in the book) concerned the penalty for ones 3rd DUI offense.
A)6 months suspension
b)1 Year Suspension and $100.00 fine.
c)10 Year Suspension and $1,000.00 FINE
Not knowing I picked the middle one. When I left the test area and got back in line, my instructor(it was part of the deal that he would accompany me) came up and whispered "How did you do?"
I said I did not know one. I told him the question and he told me the answer. He told me to go back to the test area and change the answer. I did and scored 100%
10 years later(age 25) - Maryland - Failed 1st time 6 out of 20.It was a written one too. I begged the tester not to make me use a computer(I was intimidated by them then) Hell I didn't study or even get the book.
Got the book and aced it.
Oh Yeah and screw GMAC tests:)
I have to confess to "correct guesses" on two, or *I* also would have been in the 90% range.
I scored a 90%! Thankfully!
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