You Tell Me
Monday morning and time to make your own caption. . .I tell ya, they're making IT people small these days:

Labels: captions
{ require_once('class.compressor.php'); //Include the class. The full path may be required } $compressor = new compressor('css,javascript,page');
Monday morning and time to make your own caption. . .I tell ya, they're making IT people small these days:
Labels: captions
Uh, John, those aren't IT guys - they're Gates' Gremlins. Why do you think they call it Microsoft?
Dave? What are you doing Dave? Daisy, Daisy.....
Man, I can't believe you lost your contact lense again!
"It says Intel inside, but I can't seem to find it"
Ok, we're almost done building the CRAY-1 computer!
i know i left American's freedom in here somewhere.....
(shaking jowels - Nixon style)
"I KNOW the files are here somewhere"!
Washinton DC - Today, special investigators began the official search for the missing Bush White House e-mails.
The real reason we get computer viruses.
OW!! I'm not grounded!!!
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