Homeland Security Ranks Indiana As State With Most Terror Targets...

The Department of Homeland Security released a report Tuesday on its own National Asset Database, a resource the New York Times called "flawed." "Now we know why the Homeland Security grant formula came out as wacky as it was," said New York Senator Charles Schumer, referencing the truncated anti-terrorist funds that New York and Washington, D.C. received this year. Among other scarcely believable designations, the database ranks Indiana as the state with the greatest number of terrorist targets.
"Maybe because popcorn explodes?" said the owner of the Amish Popcorn Company in Berne, Indiana by way of explanation as to why his business might have been included in the list of potential terrorist targets. Other unlikely targets in the database were the Mule Day Parade, Old MacDonald's Petting Farm, Nix's Check Cashing, and an unspecified "Beach at End of a Street." The Department of Homeland Security was unapologetic about the seemingly absurd classifications. While some low-level officials admitted the information was out of date, the department's deputy press secretary maintained, "We don't find it embarrassing...The list is a valuable tool."
and my house, its on that list to...
so you come'n to help Sat?
I just wrote a piece on this too.
Why Indiana Ranks Tops Terrorist List
This report is one of the best reasons to stop voting for Republicans AND Democrats I have ever seen.
After 9/11 we have spent tens of billions of dollars and what do we get:
Inept reports like this.
No security on the Mexican border.
Wasteful spending in the name of security on the silliest of items...
Please, vote Libertarian...
Mike Sylvester
Let us not forget who has been in charge of EVERYTHING for the last 6 years. The blame is not equal...
I came over here just knowing you had something up about the news that YOUR state is on the top of terrorists lists everywhere..
Remember, Chertoff was the asshat in Charge during KatrinaGate..nuff said.
You better help John Q..the man can not go up on the roof alone again.
JQP - Alas I shall be up in your lovely bride's homeland this Saturday.
Marie - Nice article. I still don't think that justifies leaving such targets as the Statue of Liberty or the Empire State Buliding off of the list of protected sites.
Mike - Talk to the Jeff!
Kvatch - We'll cordon things off just for your visit. PLease fill us in on dates and times.
Okay, we get the point. Libertarians are the true salvation of this country. Everyone who isn't voting Libertarian is an idiot. All Republicans and Democrats are evil. Perhaps you need to find a new song to sing because this one is starting to grate on our nerves.
On a brighter note, Homeland Security will start inspecting every ball at a Colts game to ensure that Peyton Manning doesn't throw any real bombs.
I felt compelled to also note that, if you're reading Mitch, I scooped ya by nearly 4 hours on this one! ;)
I doubt if most Americans could find Indiana on an unlabeled map. I also doubt that most Americans have any idea where our National Treasure is spent.
Yeah if I was a terrorist I would pass up my point of entry(NY, DC, MIAMI, LA? etc)
to penetrate and travel all the way to middle America(you guys are in the middle right?)to strike. The tearist experts would never 'spect it. How ingeeeeeeeeniiiiius.
Either that or dem tearists just got mixed up on the meaning of Terre Haute.
Peace. and remember like they taught us as kids - "DUCK" and "COVER".
Here's hoping for the best for Indiana. Wherever it is.
So many things to screw up, and so lil time left. How do they do it all?
What do you want to bet that the only reason these are on the list is that the DHS wants to keep an eye on them for other reasons. O! Democracy, why are you not shrieking you "deafly" apathetic creature!
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