The city of Fort Wayne unveiled these two prototypes for the replacement span across the St.Mary's River in Headwaters Park yesterday. The new span, part of a three-phase project to improve traffic flow and aesthetics, is to serve as a "signature gateway" to Headwaters Park and downtown Fort Wayne. Senator Bayh has secured $4 million to supplement the estimated $8-9 million project.
Option "A" (shown above)would place twin pedestrian bridges on either side of a new span. Option "B" (shown right) would be a truss style bridge with wide pedestrains sidewalks on both sides. Either option would be a grand improvement over the current bland concrete span with it's narrow sidewalks.
POP - I hope not, but they DO already seem to have their fingers into everything!
Human - To quote Steely Dan (showing MY age again, but a fave song) "This is the night of the expanding man. . this shape is my shame, so thin where I used to stand" Or something close to that. . .
Local, I would hope.
It looks pretty in the picture. Is Halliburton in on the deal? ;)
I like the one that has wide pedestrian access. I ear tell we're getting wider.
Every road improvment should include bike pedestrian and bike lanes where possible.
Option B doesn't seem to connect to land. It seems to float in space. I would prefer Option A for that reason.
POP - I hope not, but they DO already seem to have their fingers into everything!
Human - To quote Steely Dan (showing MY age again, but a fave song) "This is the night of the expanding man. . this shape is my shame, so thin where I used to stand" Or something close to that. . .
I AM PEE - You are?
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