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Monday, July 28, 2008

MoveOn.org to counter McCain "swift boat" attack ads on MTV

MTV has just started accepting political ads (Next thing you know, they'll be doing music videos again!). And the first political ad that millions of young people will see is a negative attack on Barack Obama—saying he's "worse than a flip-flopper" and accusing him of no longer being against the war:

The McCain ad

It's outrageous. The Republicans' strategy is clear: kill the hope that's brought millions of new young voters out of the woodwork. We can't let that happen. And as it turns out, MoveOn.org has a funny, positive, hopeful way to fight back.

The "funniest ad" award winner in our Obama in 30 Seconds contest is a perfect counterpoint to the cynicism-mongering ad on MTV. Plus, it was made by actor (and MoveOn member) Rider Strong:

Help MoveOn.org run this ad by clicking here. And have hope again. . .

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