Do as I SAY, not as I DO
Oopsie! I forgot MY flag pin. .

Labels: barack obama, flag pins, hypocrisy, Jack Kingston
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Oopsie! I forgot MY flag pin. .
Labels: barack obama, flag pins, hypocrisy, Jack Kingston
I blogged about this during last October's national "Obama Didn't Put His Hand Over His Heart During The National Anthem Crisis" and demonstrated the idiocy of this crap by illustrating the post with a picture of Cowboy Bob in the second grade classroom circa 9/11.
Guess what. Nary a lapel pin be seen.
Not surprisingly, the flag pin wearing was started by Nixon's aides during the Watergate scandal. These repukes recycle the same tactics over and over.
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Kingston says he wears one but did not bring one with him?
Hey let's check his official site and see just how patriotic this chickenhawk is.
mmm Official Photo? Nope no pin there
Official function? Nope.
How about hard at work holding important meetings? Well no. But I can't blame him there. Why when I was a Porter years ago, my name tag pin always got in the way of productivity, what with heaving them trash cans around and slopping the floor with the mop. It would obviously get in the way at work. He might scrape his hand on it, while putting one of them those fat Lobbyist checks in his pocket.
Maybe he wears it when visiting outside the U.S. You know like when he did Tour of Duty in Iraq? Must of forgotten it. What with that tearful goodbye to his family before he shipped out into Harm's Way. I can only imagine the worry his family went through. I'm sure it was way more traumatic than a Father leaving his 6 kids and wife for 3 Tours of Combat Duty in the shithole that was Vietnam and coming back a fucking monster.
Patriotic? He doesn't even know the fucking meaning.
ps - Anyone can cuss at my blog now.
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