Chuck Buckley is alive and well!
Just posted on Divided States of Bu$hmerica:

Sunday, February 24, 2008
We're home and OK
I abandoned this blog without a word and for that I'm VERY SORRY to my readers and net-friends, but I had good reason. Our grandaughter was born in November with many complications. She was admitted into Children's Hospital Neonatal Intensive Care Unit in Columbus, OH and that's where we have been "living" this past couple of months- literally ceasing our daily lives. We just returned home with her in January. She is doing better, but will require a lot of continuous care. We've had a few trips back to Columbus since then and many local doctor appointments- 2 to 3 per week. She and her parents (our son and his fiance) will be living with us. All of our lives have been changed by this.Right now, I don't know if I'll be able to get back into this blog and this is the first time I've even had the mental opportunity to make this post. Please understand that our nerves are not in the best condition and we're far behind on everything at home.
I hope to be able to start visiting your blogs again soon. I honestly haven't even read any comments here yet, but I intend to in the next few days. I have been (slowly) catching up on the political scene. Its nice to see bush nearly unmentioned by the media these days...must be tough on an ego like that.
May the cosmic forces bless you. Thank you all for your net friendships.
Labels: Chuck Buckley, Political Bloggers
good news!!!
Thanks for spreading the good news about Chuck.
I checked there last week and had about given up.
THis just makes my day John. Bless you sir for letting me know..I shall head right over.
I hope I didn't miss anyone - this is the best news I've had in a LONG time!
This is fabulous news! Thanks for passing it on!
Hey John, I wanted to stop by and thank you for giving me the heads up on Chuck.
I saw it earlier on my nader thread but it didn't 'click', ya know/
right when I was headed off to bed it dawned on me.
I tried for a half hour to get in here last night but my ancient laptop kept freezing up, it doesn't like Youtubes on most sites.
But when I tried to get in here just now with a brand spanking new computer, it still took a LONG time to load.As a matter of fact it is still loading.
Anyway, Thanks for the heads up!
Thanks for the heads up John. It took a few hours for it to sink in as I did not know his last name before.
This is the best news I've had all week!
I had given up , and thought that life had just gotten too hectic for sorry to hear he has been going through such a Bloggers and a Community maybe we need to think of what we can do to try to help....what do you think John ? should we think on it ?
Thanks for posting this MrGood...
Thanks for the update.
The news is a great gift to us all - Chuck is very beloved in our community!
Thank you SO much for visiting my blog and posting this — and for informing us that Chuck is okay.
I am praying for him and his family. They are going to be fine.
Luv xoxo
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