- Dead or Alive?

Also, if you can suggest any more reliable options I am wide open to suggestion at this point.
- John =)
Labels: blogrolling, troubleshooting
{ require_once('class.compressor.php'); //Include the class. The full path may be required } $compressor = new compressor('css,javascript,page');
Labels: blogrolling, troubleshooting
It's not working for me either. I hope it revives soon.
Haven't used it myself, but your page sure loads much faster now!
The difference in load speed here is amazing.
Way faster now, Good Man.
That's a good thing!
I haven't had any problems, but like jm said, your blog loads a lot faster. Sometimes it takes forever...
I had to take a lot of the videos and stuff off my sidebar because my blog was loading too slow, too.
Thank you ALL! It SEEMS to be working well once more, but please DO let me know if there are probs from YOUR side of the screen. . .
My blogroll isn't working and their site isn't either.
Yours seems to be working at least.
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