Ted Nugent likes to talk tough and play with guns on stage. Things sure have changed since Vietnam. . .I wonder if he wipes his ass these days. On second thought, I really don't care to know. I mean, I've heard his concerts really stink, but. . .I just wrote it off to "has-been who doesn't know it yet" syndrome. . .
Glad that he lives in Texas, but scared that he still owns some run-down property here in Michigan, just 20 miles or so from Undie Lib Manor. And it is fenced in and stocked with wild game so he can prove what a he-man warrior he is by shooting half tamed animals. Not too surprising for a typical chickenshit chickenhawk couldn't step up to the plate when it was time for him to fight in Vietnam. Texas can keep him..
Glad that he lives in Texas, but scared that he still owns some run-down property here in Michigan, just 20 miles or so from Undie Lib Manor. And it is fenced in and stocked with wild game so he can prove what a he-man warrior he is by shooting half tamed animals. Not too surprising for a typical chickenshit chickenhawk couldn't step up to the plate when it was time for him to fight in Vietnam.
Texas can keep him..
I'm beginning to think that Texas needs an enema!
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