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Sunday, August 26, 2007

In honor of Peacechick Mary

The screen at Knock Knock went black about a week ago. As I have not been getting out and about as much as I used to, this sad event was off of my radar screen. I had noticed that Mary hadn't commented much lately, and she was a regular in that field on this humble blog. It's my understanding that some personal issues had arisen, and she felt the need to pull the plug. I think nearly all of us who have blogged for awhile have been to that junction at least once or twice.

That being said, Mary will be greatly missed in the blogosphere. We wish her nothing but happiness and satisfaction, as well as closure on what has troubled her so as of late. I consider her to be one of the best friends that I've never met, and, in her honor, I have preserved her blog's address and name. I took this action to preserve the site should she ever wish to return, and to prevent some shiftless web marketer from using it as a re-direct address (we've all seen that).

If you wish to keep Knock Knock in your blogrolls, it will still be there. I will not use the site or name in any way, other than to hope that Mary will someday return and find her old home in one of our blogrolls so that I may return it to her. That, and hope, is all I can do. . .


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Blogger Anon-Paranoid said...

I'm glad someone has taken care to preserve her site. The last time I looked it said blog not found on this site.

Bluegrrrrls site is still up and I hope no one takes hers as well.

Betty Cracker site was taken over and I just removed her link as I didn't want to sent anyone over to the Sports Authority which is were it was going.

So is her name still up or will I get a not on this server again? I'll have to go check it out after I leave her.

Thanks for watching out for her. I will miss her stopping by my place and reading her brilliant and sometimes humorous posts.

God Bless.

title="comment permalink">August 26, 2007 10:33 PM  
Blogger Anon-Paranoid said...

Well I just checked and yes it is showing up. How were you able to get it back up?

Not trying to be noisy, well I guess I am, but for future reference in case I would need to help someone out.

Thanks again for saving it for her.

God Bless.

title="comment permalink">August 26, 2007 10:37 PM  
Blogger John Good said...

AP - She deleted her blog. That made the site address available again. I merely snagged that address to prevent a spammer from using it for profit.

title="comment permalink">August 26, 2007 10:42 PM  
Blogger Anon-Paranoid said...

Thanks, I would hate too see some piece of crap take it.

I thought that the same name couldn't be used again. And it showed right up when I went there so the link stayed the same. I had thought that it would it have been a different link so at least I don't have too change the link on my page.

I hope she rests up and comes back if not too blog, but to at least stop by and let us know how she's doing.

Thanks again and take care.

God Bless.

title="comment permalink">August 26, 2007 10:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

John! Just sent you an email, but the gist was...awesome! Way to go. As for the rest let me know what you think.


title="comment permalink">August 26, 2007 11:00 PM  
Blogger John Good said...

AP -It'll be here waiting for her regardless.

Froggy - Message received! We'll talk more about this. . .

title="comment permalink">August 26, 2007 11:05 PM  

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