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Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Former Surgeon Generals speak out against Bush

Surgeons general are viewed as public-health advocates who serve, in essence, as the nation’s family doctor. Previous surgeons general have played pivotal roles in debates about smoking, drunken driving, mental health, and disparities in medical treatment between whites and minorities.

Dr. Richard Carmona said that he expected that would be his role when he came to Washington, but that his attitude was politically naïve.

When the issue of federal funding for embryonic stem cell research came up early in Bush’s first term, Carmona said, he felt he could play an educational role for administration officials and the public by openly discussing the latest scientific research.

Stem cells can be grown into any type of cell in the body, and some scientists see the promise of a cure for Parkinson’s and other diseases in them. But producing embryonic stem cells has involved the destruction of human embryos, raising moral issues that some, including many religious conservatives, find profoundly disturbing. In 2001, Bush limited federal funding for stem cell research and has since blocked attempts by Congress to lift the restriction.

Carmona said he was told to stand down from playing any educational role because a decision had already been made. He also said administration appointees who reviewed the text of his speeches deleted from them references to stem cell research.

Likewise, on the issue of preventing teen pregnancy, Carmona said he was not allowed to deviate from the administration’s position that abstinence was the best approach. In fact, he said, he believes a variety of approaches are needed, including contraception for sexually active teens. The administration did not want to hear the science, but wanted to preach, Carmona said.

Carmona was also instructed to mention George Bush at least three times in every major speech that he gave. His speech writers were under direct instruction from the white house regarding what the text of these speeches should be.

Ladies and Gents, this is the closest thing to a dictatorship that I ever want to see in this country!


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Blogger Robert Rouse said...

Ooh, I missed that because, as required by the liberal handbook, I was watching MSNBC. Bush will go down in history. In the future, the phrase "By George" will be considered as vulgar as saying F*** Y***.


title="comment permalink">July 11, 2007 8:58 PM  
Blogger Sewmouse said...

When, do you suppose, will he issue the edict that we must always refer to him as "Dear Leader George Bush"??

title="comment permalink">July 12, 2007 10:01 AM  

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