Today's Helpful Hint
Okay, I know. You've been driving cars for years and you aren't a MO-ron. You know how to adjust your mirrors. Turns out, maybe not. . .

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Okay, I know. You've been driving cars for years and you aren't a MO-ron. You know how to adjust your mirrors. Turns out, maybe not. . .
Objects in mirror may be more ominous than they appear.
Thanks for the helpful tip, John. I never really thought about that before.
John, for a liberal, that was pretty damn cool of you to post this. I won't be posting any stupid anti-leftist crap on your blog like I do over on your friend's blogs, but they're acting like damn hippies. Not you though. Hey, there's a shitload of stuff Bush does that I hate too, like citing Islam as a religion of peace. What a load of crap, huh.
My name is John too.
Indiana is pretty flat, eh?
Keep stuff like this coming and I will be a regular visitor. If I ever disagree though, I'll let you know, and will never post anything against you in any way, I promise.
Yes, John. Thank you for showing Anonymous how to adjust his mirror. That was very cool of you. Perhaps you could post a link to a site that shows people how to differentiate Right Wing crapology from the truth.
By the way, I'm still not sure I believe Anonymous is his real name.
I already knew how to adjust my mirrors, because they taught a course down at DHU (Damn Hippies University), home of the "Fightin' Freaks".
Go, Go Fightin' Freaks
Fight them Nail and Tooth!
Dirty Hippies Everyone,
But we all know the Truth!
Hail, Hail to D-H-U
For Liberty we fought
But just because we look like Freaks
Don't mean that we smoke Pot!
Perhaps you could post a link to a site that shows people how to differentiate Right Wing crapology from the truth.
A Faux News reverse-image site? THAT would rock! Dare we dream?
My driving intructor(mom had to pay because I dropped out of school and under 18 had to take a course)was a teacher. One of the 1st things he did was put 2 rubber bands and put them on the rearview mirror and said to pretend it is 3 mirrors. He placed cones on the ground just when he came into sight on the mirrors. He than had me get out of the car and showed me how much space the blind spots hide.
Since then I always look and never trust my mirrors. Except that one time I was leaving a friends at 3 in the morning. I swear that firehydrant was not behind me when I parked.
Very nice site!
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