Memorial Day

Viewing the officers in the second row, and looking right, my father is the fifth. This ship was his command during WW2. He also served in Korea, and tried to serve again in Viet Nam but was declined due to his age at that time.
Dad wore many hats in his life. He was an accomplished mason, taught English at Norwell High School, and served in several state law-enforcement and community-service positions. He and my mother were activist Democrats who worked on campaigns from JFK to local candidates J.Edward Roush and Birch Bayh. I was blessed to have them as my parents and I miss both of them dearly.
You should be very proud.
I will be thinking of your Dad on this Memorial Day, and how he and your Mother had made such an impression on your life. I was proud to know him for the short time I was able to be around him.
Thank You for your memories of a true patriot John.
Your parents sound like great folks, John. What a beautiful tribute to them you are.
For defending my counry in the time of need, Thank you LC John Russell Good.
Thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Good for raising a fine son.
(ps now I gotta look up LST 855 in Morrison's books).
Folks - There are over 30,000 WWII vets dying a month. A National treasure not to be ignored. Go speak easy and listen eo them.
Thank you all for the nice comments.
I didn't get alot of time to listen to and share things with Dad. He suffered a severe head injury from a fall in 1970, that doctors were amazed at his survival. He seemed fine, but it began affecting him over the next 10-15 years (Just as I was becoming an adult). He experienced Alzheimers-like symptoms and wound up in the VA hospital after Mom could no longer care for him herself. We'd visit and bring him home on holidays, but the opportunities for a really good conversation just weren't there.
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