Michelle Malkin's White Supremacist Ties
Bill O'Reilly was mad a couple of weeks back. A former CIA analyst, Ray McGovern, had attacked Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and no one in the media had mentioned McGovern's "far-left credentials."

And, of course, this was just more evidence of the media's insidious liberal bias.
"If this McGovern guy had ties to the Ku Klux Klan or the John Birch society," O'Reilly said, "don't you think that would have been in the headline? . . . If this guy had been a right-wing nut instead of a left-wing nut, number one, he never would have got on television, and number two, they would have slaughtered him."
And then O'Reilly had Michelle Malkin on.

See, Malkin, the conservative columnist, blogger,and Fox News contributor, has some affiliations of her own, some skeletons in the closet that O'Reilly never bothered to mention. . .skeletons like VDARE.com.
Named for Virginia Dare, the first white person born in the New World, the site has been named by the anti-racist Southern Poverty Law Center as a hate group. And for good reason: the site is dedicated to pushing the kind of pseudo-science the Nazis could have only dreamed of using to support their racial fantasies. Forget phrenology: VDARE spends its time touting books that purport to prove that the average IQ of sub-Saharan Africans is 67, below the accepted standard criteria for a diagnosis of mental retardation.
The Anti-Defamation League notes that the author of the review, J. Philippe Rushton, has been less than subtle about his racism. "During [a] 1996 conference... Rushton lectured at length about the sexual differences among various races, arguing that blacks, while possessing smaller brains, reproduce at a faster rate due to the larger size of their sex organs. 'Not to reinforce stereotypes,' he has said elsewhere, 'but it's a trade-off: more brain or more penis, you can't have everything.' ... He has also stated that Nazi Germany's military prowess was due in part to the purity of their gene pool."
Malkin's ties to the site are legion: it regularly prints her column, while she employs one of its writers, Juan Mann, as the principal writer of her "Immigration Blog" and lists the site on her blogroll. And it's not as if Malkin isn't well aware of the criticism, both of the site and her ties to it. . .in a post on her blog in September 2004, she noted that "my friend Peter Brimelow (founder of VDARE) observes that some people apparently think linking to VDARE is tantamount to a hate crime." What do you know. . .for once, he's right.
I like how McGovern is "far-left" but far-right to O'reilly would be somebody associated w/ the Neo-Nazis. Basically anyone who has a liberal point of view is "far-left".
Are there still people out there that think Bill is a fair-and-balanced independent? Do these people still believe in the tooth fairy as well?
How does she justify being a member of a Hate group when she herself is non-caucasian? It boggles my mind...
O'Really is as fair and balanced as Faux News. . .
I know! It boggles the mind. I'm sure you've seen the button link on some of the right-wing blogs that feature her "I support Michelle Malkin although she is a woman and a minority". Gimme a friggin break!!
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