After 2 years, Air America grows progressively upbeat
(As reported in The NY Daily News)
It was two years ago tomorrow that the progressive network Air America took to the radio, like a band of pioneers seeking a foothold in territory long dominated by hostile conservatives.
The ride has been as rocky as any 19th-century wagon train, and it's still not clear where the network is ultimately headed.
But count Randi Rhodes, the 3-7 p.m. host, among those who think a lot of turf has been claimed, with more to come.
"For a long time, there was a big hole," said Rhodes, "and it's not there anymore. Now there's another side on the radio. People who think our government has been going in the wrong direction don't feel like they're alone anymore.
"I'm much more optimistic today than I was two years ago. Much more hopeful."
Air America launched amid considerable optimism of its own - heady talk of buying its own network of stations while derailing the re-election of President Bush.
Bush survived. Air America almost fell.
It lost its airtime in Chicago and Los Angeles for not paying its rent. Some of its founding executives turned out to have seriously overstated the network's financial position, and sharp cutbacks were ordered as those executives left.
But new money arrived to keep it afloat as hosts like Al Franken and Rhodes started to build followings. Today, most of its marquee shows are heard in most major cities, albeit sometimes on lower-powered stations, and while its ratings have yet to match those of established conservatives like Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity, Air America CEO Danny Goldberg recently said he's optimistic.
Affiliates, ratings and revenue are rising, he said, challenging critics, like Bill O'Reilly, who have regularly declared the network close to dead.
One of the major arguments by O'Reilly and other critics is that Air America will never succeed as long as it sounds like a Democratic Party mouthpiece.
Network hosts maintain they often chastize Democrats - over not opposing the war more strongly, for instance - and Rhodes says Air America's critics wouldn't be so persistent if the network wasn't making a difference.
"It's a sign of fear and loathing," she said. "They see where we've gotten with zero promotion, and they're terrified."
It's generally agreed that Air America, heard here on WLIB (1190 AM), sounds more professional today. It has adjusted its programming to highlight hosts like Rachel Maddow, while others who didn't come from radio backgrounds, like Franken and Janeane Garafalo, have grown more comfortable on the air.
Rhodes herself, a former deejay, admits that suddenly doing four hours of talk "was a hard left turn."
But the secret, she says, is just basic radio: prepare, prepare, prepare.
"My whole day is show prep," she said. "You go on the air with a plan, and suddenly the show takes on a life of its own. You have to be ready for anything."
Rhodes often mentions that she uprooted herself from a comfortable life in Florida to join the Air America adventure. She says she has no regrets.
"Would I do it again? Oh God, yes," she said. "What we're doing here is very exciting. We're letting people know they are not insane."
I actually would like to listen to Air America sometime. I like to hear both sides of the issues. That is the only real reason I read The New York Times...
Where can I catch Air America? In your post you list 1190 AM; but, that is WOWO...
Mike Sylvester
Didn't I just read two or three months ago that they were actually panhandling for contributions (they totally ripped off PBS for that idea) since advertisers weren't willing to spend any real money with them?
Mike the "1190" mentioned is WLIB in NY. It's the flagship station for Air America. Interestingly enough, those are the original call letters for that station; they weren't changed for Air America.
You can listen online at this link:
Andrew, I beleive you are referring to Randi's "Change For Change". That is ongoing and is a fundraiser strictly for Katrina victims through Habitat for Humanity.
No, John...I'm pretty sure I was talking about THIS:
They refer to their pleas for help as "an unusual move for commercial radio."
I am inclined to agree, but that's the way liberals have historically addressed problems: find more money to throw on their useless bonfires.
You're talking about the Air America Associate program of which I am a proud member. It's not for current revenue, but to help grow the network into more markets.
Air America is hardly useless or a bonfire. I'm happy to contribute to their growth.
Let's see, they're not earning enough money to expand, so they have to rely on their listeners to fund the expansion for them? Sounds like a pretty shitty business plan if you ask me...but what the hell do I know, I'm just a dumb blogger.
Yes. Yes , you are. lol
I don't listen as much as I used to. I try to catch the first hour of Mike Malloy at least once a week. It's cathartic.
He's the guy I got "President Bunnypants" from.
Hey Andy are you just here to bitch about the progressive folks? I think I hear your mommy calling you.
i gave it a try for awhile but air america sounds exactly like and plays the same childish games as limbaugh and o'reilly, just the other side of the same old coin.
rhodes is very good at trying to stir the pot to keep the attention but she behaves exactly like those she claims she despises. she is as polarizing as the best of them.
some of the stuff is pure childishness, like playing sounds of babies crying when reporting on 'republicans' not getting somethng they want. like i said, the other side of the same coin.
i wish it wasn't, but it is crappy radio (in my opinion)
I caught Malloy a couple of times when he filled in for Randi. I like his style.
You have a valid point about it being biased in the opposite way. But it's good to finally have someone out there countering the Limbaugh crowd. Long overdue.
Dusty, you can ask Johnny B. Good...I'm an equal opportunity asskicker...but Democrats and Progressives make themselves MUCH bigger targets for me because they NEVER SHUT UP. They are so greedy for face-time in the rags or air-time in broadcast, they can't help but spew completely ridiculous crap. I concede valid points to so-called "Progressives" all the time, but much like Salty, I feel it's the same annoying shit being blown through a different horn.
And yes, I do think it's inappropriate for a 'for-profit' corporation to prey directly on its regular customers' wallets to enhance their own bottom line in the fashion that they did. At least Limbaugh is free to listen no matter where in the country you are. Maybe some jackasses buy his stupid fucking mattresses or his magical cold remedies or his bullshit steel buildings...but I've never had to pay a DIME to hear him (on the rare occasions lately that I've even felt like it)...NOR has he ever come on the air and said "send me money so I can spread my BS everywhere!!!" Which in essence, is exactly what Air America did. Kinda makes them like Jim & Tammy-Faye Baker in that respect now doesn't it?
You asked. I'm answering.
1. You're reflecting O'Reilly: "SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP!! Will you NEVER SHUT UP?!!" NO! We will NOT shut up, until America WAKES up. ( Oh yeah, that's already happening.)
2. Greedy for air time on our little network? Does it scare you that much, Andy? Right-wing radio was developed as, and has been, an effective opiate for the masses. God forbid that our little network should threaten you; it only proves that it's doing it's job.
3. Ridiculous crap? Air America is a REPLY to ridiculous crap. *I* am proud to support them in any way that I can!
4. You concede nothing unless it agrees with your views. Spin IS the repug way. I thought more of you than that.
5. Those of us on the left are working middle-class people. Air America is OUR voice, not the voice of profit-driven corporatism. We CHOOSE to support it, just like the corporations choose to fund Limbaugh, et al. OUR pockets are shallower, yet wider. It's not about bottom-line or profits, it's about being heard.
John, a few things (and hopefully they line up with your numbered bullets).
1. I just don't understand this...I don't watch/listen to O'Reilly.
2. Greedy for air-time in GENERAL. I was not necessarily referring to the hosts on Air America, it's their JOB to be on the air. I was really talking about the politicians...especially the ones who are currently doing all the grandstanding to possibly get the presiential bid....and now we find out there's only ONE of them with the balls to even stick by their core beliefs....but that doesn't stop the rest of them from jumping in front of cameras like "hey mom, look at me I'm on TV" and spout all kinds of rhetoric that they've proven they don't have the stomach to act upon. Conversely, why John do YOU feel so threatened by a couple of blow-hards with microphones? I really don't. Just a bunch of goofballs with microphones. Or do they scare you because PEOPLE ACTUALLY LISTEN TO THEM? Granted, people listen for different reasons, I guess...and the level of comprehension is vastly different depending on the ears! See, here's what you have missed: Right Wing Radio WAS the counterpoint to a gleefully liberal bias in the MSM. And now we've learned that the country prefers it Limbaugh-style. OK, Scary, but that's the way it is. So Air America is only a 'Redirect' to somebody else's rebuttal witness. In the cosmic chain of events, that ranks them pretty low on the viability scale (hence the financial problems).
Does that mean I think you shouldn't listen??? Absolutely not. You are free to listen and/or give your money to whomever you choose.
3. Ridiculous Crap: Yes, John. Just like Limbaugh, O'Reilley, Hannity, whoever. It's still ridiculous crap, even though it's the ridiculous crap you want to hear, spun the way you want it spun.
4. I also concede when I tire of arguing points of this one. I don't understand "Spin IS the repug way." In my estimation, Spin is not unique to any one group.
5.Ummm, what in the name of God are you talking about? Corporations fund Limbaugh? Well, YEAH, enough people listen to him that it makes him a profitable investment. That's not a BAD thing, John. Well, it's bad to people that get MAD at him when he speaks....or you could be like me and just not listen to ANY of these jackasses...just formulate your own opinion. Takes a hell of a lot more work to digest the news yourself though...I should warn you.
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