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Saturday, February 04, 2006

Tension Breaker

It's been a very busy week here in Aboite, with little time to relax. It's late Saturday night and I'm finally switching to glide (nod to The Kings), so I thought I'd break from the usual and share a favorite old joke of mine. . . .
Two people, a poor bean farmer and William Shakespeare, died on the same day at the exact same time. Both appeared before Saint Peter simultaneously on what was a very busy day "up there". Saint Peter explained to the two men that there was only one open slot in Heaven that day, and that he would determine which of them would enter by challenging them to a short-poem writing contest. The only rule, the poem must include the word Timbuktu.
"No problem" said Shakespeare, "I am quite the wordsmith". "I'm SCREWED" thought the bean farmer. They were each given five minutes to turn in their efforts.
Shakespeare went first with: "Traveling wearily across the sand, a desert camel caravan, side by side and two by two, destination Timbuktu." "Very good" exclaimed Saint Peter. Now your
turn bean farmer". The farmer thought for a minute and said "Me and Tim, a huntin' we went, when we came across three girls in a tent. Seein's they was three, and we was two, I bucked one and Tim bucked two."

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