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Thursday, January 26, 2006

Photos? What photos?

Earlier this month, journalist Josh Marshall became aware of a series of Bush/Abramoff pics available at the online site for Reflections Photography, a studio that does many photo shoots for Republican events. However, when recently attempting to access these photos again, Marshall discovered that they had vanished.
Marshall contacted a rep at Reflections who assured him that any images that may have disappeared from the online site would still be available on the agency's backup cd. Upon checking said cd, surprise, the photos in question has been completely rubbed clean. The rep was clearly astonished. That, as you'd imagine, caught his attention. So he asked what that meant. The woman from Reflections told him that that this sometimes happened when the White House wanted to prevent the public from accessing certain photographs of the president.
Marshall contacted the president of Reflections, Joanne Amos, who admitted that the photos had been deleted, and were indeed of Bush and Abramoff together. When asked who had requested that the photos be deleted, Amos stated that as president of the company it was a "business decision" made by her alone. It's worth noting that Amos is a maxed-out Bush-Cheney 2004 donator.
So, here we have it that the president of Reflections admits that she removed photos of Abramoff and the president from their online database. If what her employee told Marshall is accurate the photos were also deleted from the CDs they keep on file in their own archives. So the scrub seems to have been pretty thorough.
Did the White House send out the word to deep-six those Bush-Abramoff pics? A simple question, but doubtful there are any simple answers.

Check out the original article here

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Blogger Robert Rouse said...

One has to wonder what these photos actually look like. If they are as innocuous as a meet and greet at a White House party, then why take the time to hide them from the public. The current administration says they cannot release the photos because they fear it will set a bad example. That said, I believe a precedent was set when the GOP forced Clinton to release video of him meeting with contributors.

title="comment permalink">January 27, 2006 11:15 AM  

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