Alan Colmes FINALLY Grows a Set!
Via - Jason Linkins:
Andrew Sullivan has a post up on a clip from the August 12th iteration of Hannity and Colmes that seems likely to bring mad creatine to the progressive scene. In it, Sean Hannity merrily leads a panel through a prolonged excoriation of John Edwards, with Amanda Carpenter and some other flaky white dude chitty-chitty banging away. Then, about three minutes in, Alan Colmes suddenly starts breathing fire all over the place, loudly asking how fellow cheater John McCain can be trusted to run the country if infidelities are enough to exclude Edwards from consideration.
What follows is a truly mockworthy session of moral relativity, where it basically becomes clear that John Edwards is allowed to run for president if he waits thirty years, including a five-and-a-half year session of having the Vietnamese to kick him in the nuts. . .Labels: Alan Colmes, john edwards, John McCain
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