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Thursday, July 10, 2008

Rove MUST be held in inherent contempt

The scene pictured at left is the only acceptable outcome to Karl Rove's refusal to accept the subpoena issued to him by the United States Congress.

By opting to defy a Congressional committee’s subpoena, which is a writ requiring that he appear to give testimony, he is disobeying, challenging, violating and/or refusing to provide a truthful account of many of the questionable activities of the Bush administration.

The immediate response to this by anyone in their right mind is, "how can this be?" How can he flatly refuse to appear and believe that the House Judiciary and the American people will accept his decision, forget the whole affair and move one to investigating "steroids in Baseball" or other such nonsense..

HOW & WHY? …..because he and others believe that they are above the law and need not adhere to its demands. Harriet Miers and Josh Bolten did it and this is "Bush’s Brain" that we are talking about here!

Could you or I get away with defying a Congressional subpoena? HELL no! So why can Karl Rove? Like George Bush and Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, believes he is simply above the law.

It’s time for Congress to prove them wrong by using its power of "inherent contempt" to send the Sergeant-at-Arms to arrest Karl Rove and bring him before the full House to answer to the charge of Contempt of Congress, and to punish him to the maximum extent allowed by law, including prison.

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Blogger Anon-Paranoid said...

They need to arrest his Fascist Ass and put him in jail immediately.

God Bless.

I left a question below on your Amy G post.

title="comment permalink">July 10, 2008 9:40 PM  
Blogger John Good said...

Got it! (And answered it via e-mail) Let me know if it didn't reach you due to filters and such. . .

title="comment permalink">July 10, 2008 9:53 PM  

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