You Tell Me
It might just be a blonde vs brunette thing. Butt, since it IS Monday, the day when YOU write the caption. . .Have at it, peeps!

Labels: captions
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It might just be a blonde vs brunette thing. Butt, since it IS Monday, the day when YOU write the caption. . .Have at it, peeps!
Labels: captions
When contestants #2, #4 and #5 turned around, it was revealed that their shirts read, "It's a Blond Thing. I Wouldn't Understand."
I had to look at this twice before I saw that the blonde women had their numbers upside down! This is a trick photo because they ALL look like winners to me!
The fourth blond dropped out because she couldn't figure out if she was #6 or #9
Interestingly enough, only the brunette girls didn't realize the judges were hanging like bats upside down from the judging platform...
Robert - Written in Braille? ;)
Stan - That's because you weren't looking high enough!!
Vic - Can't she have it both ways, 6 and a 9? ;)
Sew - What exactly were they hanging by?
Not sure, John... but they seemed very WELL hung...
*slinks out the back*
Sew - YOU are a naughty little mouse! But, we like that around these parts.
They were holding cards up? I never noticed....
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