The end is near!
They're out there AND they're breeding!!

At long last it has become crystal clear to me why Al Gore lost his home state in 2000 - he evolved!
Some "mood music" for the above video. . .
Labels: Lynchburg, right-wing nutjobs
{ require_once('class.compressor.php'); //Include the class. The full path may be required } $compressor = new compressor('css,javascript,page');
They're out there AND they're breeding!!
Labels: Lynchburg, right-wing nutjobs
"The thing is . . . we need God in our governments."
These folks probably wouldn't have a stick shoved so far up their ass if they could enjoy some of the local "flavor". Unfortunately, Lynchburg is in a dry county. :(
Sheri - That was THE scariest part for me as well! "Ah must brainwash mah offspring"!
Vic - AAHHHH!!! No wonder they're so messed up. Isn't that like rubbing your tits in someone's face, then declaring that you're "just not that kinda girl"?
Some people should not be allowed to reproduce.
WTF? I'm speechless.
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