You Tell Me
You gotta love a week with two Fridays! Even if the second one could also technically be called a second Monday. . .Oh well, on THIS morning, jump on in the water's just fine for making your own caption:
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{ require_once('class.compressor.php'); //Include the class. The full path may be required } $compressor = new compressor('css,javascript,page');
You gotta love a week with two Fridays! Even if the second one could also technically be called a second Monday. . .Oh well, on THIS morning, jump on in the water's just fine for making your own caption:
Labels: captions
Hmmm, I coulda sworn I heard they were going to fill the pool today.
Very funny, Uncle Moses! Now can we go swimming?
One of Frank Lloyd Wright's not-so-right followers failed tremendously in their first attempt to use water as a building supply.
I'm fairly certain USA Swimming would consider that an illegal backstroke turn...
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