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Sunday, February 04, 2007

Veterans to run ad against escalation in Iraq during Super Bowl

"VoteVets.org, with Americans Against Escalation in Iraq, is leading the charge against the President’s escalation of the war in Iraq with a new television advertisement," the veterans' group announced at its web site.

Think Progress, reports "that the new ad will run during today’s Superbowl. The ad, part of the Americans Against Escalation In Iraq campaign, will air in Washington, D.C., Minnesota, and Maine, targeting Sens. John Warner (R-VA), Norm Coleman (R-MN), and Susan Collins (R-ME), respectively."

"Last week, VoteVets.org Iraq War Veterans backed up the ad with a two-day, seven-city tour, that brought this issue right into the Senators’ back yards," the group's site states.

At Huffington Post, retired General Wesley Clark, a 2004 Democratic presidential candidate, recently heralded VoteVets' campaign. Clark is also "an active Board of Advisors Member to VoteVets."

"These young veterans are not just content to buy air time - they are taking the fight to Senators' home turf and making them answer the question, 'Are you with the President, or are you with the troops?'" Clark wrote.

"The goal of the VoteVets.org PAC is to put Iraq and Afghanistan War Veterans in Congress who are critical of the execution of the war in Iraq and representative of the principles of VoteVets.org PAC in the US Congress," according to the group's website.

You can view their video

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Blogger Me said...

Of course, this magnificent ad did NOT run on our local stations.
It is a powerful ad. How I dearly wish it could have been seen worldwide.
Especially in this Dubya-loving state.

title="comment permalink">February 05, 2007 8:55 AM  
Blogger John Good said...

They had rather limited funds available, so they tried to zero in on the districts where they felt they could sway the reps. . .

title="comment permalink">February 05, 2007 6:56 PM  

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