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Thursday, June 05, 2008

The Realized Dream of Howard Dean

2008 finds the true progressive members of the Democratic Party finally in the driver's seat. This is the culmination of a strategy envisioned by Howard Dean; a strategy that was scoffed at and laughed off by the DLC crowd; a strategy that, most importantly, was employed by the insightful Barack Obama to the dismay of "the chosen one". The wheels came off of the Clinton bus because Barack started on the ground in ALL FIFTY STATES, per Dean's idea, and he had offices in each state by LAST SUMMER.

The once formidable Clinton machine, filled with people such as the longtime Clinton aide and Democratic strategist Paul Begala, who said of Howard Dean's plan "What he has spent it on, apparently, is just hiring a bunch of staff people to wander around Utah and Mississippi and pick their nose", was felled by Team Dean. Unbeknownst to Begala was that there were votes in Dem dere noses! People in states that had never even seen campaign offices opened, let alone DEMOCRATIC ONES, became politically involved and excited for the first time in their lives. And they voted. For the candidate who empowered them. Barack Obama.

Barack thanked Mr.Dean today by symbolically endorsing his efforts, and declaring that Dean would remain party chairman heading into the general election. He likely would have been ousted by a Clinton nomination. That would have resulted in the loss of so much that we've already gained and are still wresting away from the conservatives. Down ticket candidates in many states will undoubtedly win their races as a direct result of every state being put into play. The opposition will be forced to compete and, more importantly, spend resources in states that they've taken for granted for far too long.

The grass roots progressive machine is rolling across our great land. . .what a wonderful time to be a progressive Democrat!

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