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Thursday, December 06, 2007

The War on Greed

Henry Kravis is a billionaire, the 57th richest person in America. He acquired this wealth by purchasing public companies with borrowed money. To pay off the debt, he cuts benefits at the company, sells its assets, and lays off employees.

This get-rich-quick scheme made him $450 million last year. Meanwhile, his tax rate is lower than teachers, firemen, nurses, even his own cleaning staff!

Yet everyday we hear another story, we live another experience, we see another example of the horrific economic pain our country is being devastated by.

It's time all of us started a WAR ON GREED:

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Blogger Stan Matuska said...

I'm sure the rich wouldn't mind paying more in taxes, but if they are not required to, then they are certainly not going to!

I believe you should not be penalized for making large sums of money, even though, in this case, it comes at a high cost to others.

I also believe that everyone should be taxed fairly. Fairly to me, means proporationally. If you make 40K a year and have to pay 15% in taxes, then likewise, if someone else makes 1 billion dollars a year, then they should pay 15% in taxes. The rich would pay a lot more in taxes, but at least it would be a proportional amount.

I'm not too sure about the "flat tax", because I hear it too can be beneficial to some and hard on others, but at least it's something easy to understand, and sounds more fair.

title="comment permalink">December 06, 2007 11:22 PM  
Blogger Parson said...

Tax and spend liberals trying to keep the MAN down!!! ATTICA ATTICA!!!

I'm in a sarcastic mood today I guess.

title="comment permalink">December 07, 2007 7:59 PM  
Blogger John Good said...

Stan - I also have no probs with someone doing well. Except when it's on the backs of the poor and middle class - what's left of us anyway.

Mary Ellen - Exactly.

Parson - There's that Parson-tude we all love and admire!

title="comment permalink">December 08, 2007 6:38 PM  

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